Strategic Issues: e-Learning for Nature

Learning never ends. As such through our core business actions, we facilitate learning about e-learning and skilling for nature, building skills in applying the tools and organising e-courses. With this initiative, we are reaching people at a distance, in informal educational spaces and ways, and complimenting conventional learning methods.

This contributes to SDG 4, allowing quality education, learning, and skilling about eco aspects in the various thematic areas or disciplines that are provided by quality and professional providers from all over the world. As a result, we are inclusive of people who would otherwise not get the chance to interact with quality learning, reaching busy professionals and policymakers, being considerate of people with disabilities, and overcoming language barriers.

With the opportunity to link with mobile phones and other platforms that can work with or without an internet connection, such as, we are removing barriers for rural learners and others with limited connections. During this initiative, we shall also explore blended skilling, where we combine virtual and physical methods appropriately to minimise carbon footprints. Expected outcomes include improved knowledge, skills, job performance and creation, and and socio-ecological connectivity, among other nature-progressive outcomes.


Strategic Issues: Food and Agricultural systems


Strategic Issues: Nature On Political Agendas